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    Cardiac Rehab: Heart Health

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    Cardiac Rehab for Heart Health

    Cardiac Rehab: Heart Health are closely connected. A heart disease patient who has undergone cardiac rehabilitation will vouch for it – Cardiac Rehab doesn’t change your past, but it can help you improve your heart’s health for future. Cardiac rehab programme is specifically designed to improve your cardiovascular health if you have experienced heart attack, heart failure, angioplasty or heart surgery.

    What is Cardiac Rehabilitation? 

    cardiac rehab reliva physiotherapy

    Cardiac Rehabilitation is an individualized and personalized medically supervised treatment plan, including evaluation and instruction on physical activity, stress management, and other health related areas.

    Who is eligible for cardiac rehabilitation?

    Cardiac rehabilitation forms an important element of the treatment of your specific heart problem. If you have one of the following diagnoses, you may be eligible to participate in cardiac Rehab :
    •    Heart Attack
    •    Angina
    •    Coronary artery angioplasty or stents
    •    Open heart surgery such as coronary bypass or valve surgery
    •    Heart failure

    Even if you are prone to CVD, a cardiac rehabilitation program would mitigate the risk of a cardiac event.


    Is Cardiac rehab effective?

    Recent studies have shown that people who complete a cardiac rehabilitation program can increase their life expectancy by up to five years. Your heart is a muscle and, as with any muscle, exercise is what strengthens it. A properly designed cardiac rehabilitation takes care of your current heart condition keeping in mind your recovery goals. Constant monitoring makes this exercise-based recovery safe and effective.


    Medical studies* show that Physiotherapy-led Cardiac Rehabilitation Programmes are clinically effective in:

    • Recovering from heart episode
    • Reducing length of hospital stay
    • Reducing the number of hospital readmissions
    • Improving health and quality of life and reducing mortality rate


    What are the benefits of Cardiac rehabilitation?

    The several benefits of Cardiac Rehabilitation include:

    • Live longer and lessen your chances for another heart attack
    • Control heart disease symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath
    • Stop or reverse damage to your blood vessels in your heart
    • Lessen the physical and emotional effects of heart disease
    • Improve your stamina and strength, getting you back to your usual activities, including work, hobbies, and regular exercise
    • Improve your confidence and well-being


    What is involved in cardiac rehabilitation?

    Cardiac Rehabilitation offers a programme involving the following elements

    1. A personalised, monitored and supervised exercise program including one or all of the following:
    • ECG
    • Heart rate
    • Blood pressure
    • SPO2
    1. Assessment of your personal risk factors for heart and blood vessel disease
    2. Education and support to make healthy lifestyle changes such as :
    • Maintaining a healthy weight
    • Beginning and maintaining a personalized exercise plan that works for you

    ReLiva Cardiac Rehab program aims to deliver appropriate dosage of exercise under regular patient monitoring to achieve optimal cardiovascular capabilities.

    Exercise = Medicine to keep your heart healthy

    Benefits of CardiaC Rehabilation

    Related Reading:

    CardioVascular Diseases – Improving Heart Health via Cardiac Rehab Program

    Cardiac Rehab Program : Story of Recovery & Confidence

    Thinking of Cardiac Rehab?

    ReLiva is there

    Book an appointment for Cardiac Rehab treatment today!