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    Physiotherapy, a sustainable solution for workplace Health & Wellness

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    As India grows increasingly important in the World economy, more and more Indians are getting into white collared jobs. Information Technology or IT/ITES sector, alone forms the largest employer in the organized private sector of our country. And when over 50 % of these IT professionals in India report musculoskeletal problems like back pain, neck pain etc, one cannot ignore the mounting size of the issue.

    A high prevalence of musculoskeletal (orthopedic) problems has been seen amongst IT workforce. Studies have found that over 50% of the IT professionals in India report these issues. Office for National Statistics in UK has found that back, neck and muscle pain accounted for more absences than any other ailment.

    Fortunately, Indian IT/ITES companies invest significantly in providing high quality infrastructure, lighting arrangements and furniture to minimize the physical stress their employees undergo and to enhance their well-being. However, the employees continue to suffer in spite of such investments – as indicated by the studies.

    Moreover, the sedentary nature of lifestyle (even out of office) adds to the health burden. Hectic business travel and ever-increasing commute further add to the list of woes. While the employers do provide health insurance; THAT solution is more ‘reactive’ in nature and not ‘preventive’. 

    If you are an office goer and have faced back pain, wrist pain, shoulder problem or similar ailments, we would like to hear your story!

    The two big culprits causing these health issues are – sedentary life style and poor posture.

    Organisations need to invest heavily in building a culture of ‘Active Life’ and like annual health check-ups, they need to organize Annual Posture check-ups. Benefits do not limit to the following:

    Office sitting posture

    1. Not only will the organizations notice improved health of their employees, they would also find it reflecting in the overall productivity, as well.
    2. Moreover, good posture, by being an inherent part of body language, is fundamentally linked to business success as suggested by Harvard Business School.

    The organizations should initiate discussions with Physiotherapy organizations who can not only educate their employees but also assess them and design (a) exercise programs, (b) posture check-ups, (c) group therapy programs which align with the requirements of the community. Physiotherapy is an especially effective and sustainable solution in alleviating such ailments. Given that the average age of the employees in most Private sector, even more so in IT/ITES sector is about 28 years, Physiotherapy and Therapeutic exercises work very well as a young body responds very well to these interventions.

    Group Therapy at workplace for Corporates

    Short 5 minutes ‘workout at work’ programs, annual ‘posture check-ups’ and corrective programs and ‘group therapy programs’ can easily be implemented by any organization without any interruption and disturbance to its existing business schedule. Also, educative workshops on ergonomics, posture and exercises should become a part of their training program.

    A Physiotherapy driven organization like ReLiva regularly assists various corporates, with its Physiotherapy expertise, to develop solutions for specific needs of workplace, many of those in IT/ITES community. That is how it adds not only to the well-being of their employees but also helps create a healthier and more productive work environment.

    If you are an office-goer and have faced back pain, wrist pain, shoulder problem or similar ailments, we would like to hear your story!

    Comment below, tag someone who can help organize this in your office or write to us personally at so we can get in touch and/or share your story with everyone out there (of course, with your consent) Even better, if you can send your story to us along with photographs/pics !

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    Related Reading:

    Ergonomics Programme for Corporate Employees

    5 minute Office Stretch exercises: Back, Neck pain

    Working long on Computer : Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Ergonomics: Does it matter in your workplace


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