ReLiva Physiotherapy & Rehab

Frozen Shoulder Treatment in Mumbai

Quality physiotherapy in Mumbai for frozen shoulder treatment. Adhesive capsulitis is best addressed with physical therapy for frozen shoulder (frozen shoulder rehabilitation) to attain pain relief and reduce stiffness in the shoulder.

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    Highly Rated Physiotherapy in Mumbai with Expert Physiotherapists

    Expert Physiotherapy Services for Frozen Shoulder in Mumbai

    Physiotherapy is an effective treatment for frozen shoulder and can help to relieve pain and restore mobility to the joint. A physiotherapy expert in Mumbai will thoroughly examine your shoulder and determine whether it is indeed frozen shoulder, or if there is another cause for the stiffness in the shoulder. Whatever stage of frozen shoulder you have, working with a physiotherapist for treating frozen shoulder (also called Adhesive Capsulitis) has been shown to significantly accelerate recovery.

    physiotherapy for shoulder
    frozen shoulder symptoms

    Common Causes & Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder in Mumbai

    Scientists are not sure what causes Frozen Shoulder. Frozen shoulder is common in people who recently had to immobilize their shoulder for a long period after trauma, such as a shoulder fracture or surgery. Frozen shoulder without trauma is more frequently seen in middle aged women and patients with diabetes.

    Frozen Shoulder may cause shoulder pain along with the following symptoms:

    Effective Physiotherapy Treatment Options for Frozen Shoulder in Mumbai

    Physio treatment for frozen shoulder involves a variety of exercises meant to relieve pain and help patients regain a full range of motion in their shoulder. 

    Frozen shoulder often presents in 3 stages – painful, frozen and thawing stage. The type of exercises your physiotherapist in Mumbai will prescribe will depend on the grade of frozen shoulder you are experiencing. These may include:

    shoulder pain treatment

    Why Choose Our Specialists for Frozen Shoulder Physiotherapy in Mumbai?

    ReLiva’s team of physiotherapists in Mumbai are highly skilled and dedicated to providing exceptional care for your shoulder problems.

    Avail effective physio treatment for frozen shoulder from these expert physiotherapists in Mumbai.
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    Physiotherapy Near Me in Mumbai?

    Consult some of the best physiotherapist at ReLiva physiotherapy clinic in Mumbai at a centre in your locality. You may also choose to take physiotherapy at home with these expert physiotherapist.

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    Frozen Shoulder Treatment with Physiotherapist in Mumbai

    Visit ReLiva physio clinic or ask for physiotherapy treatment at home. Consult certified and skilled physiotherapist in Mumbai for frozen shoulder physiotherapy to get effective relief from shoulder pain and stiff shoulder.

    Conditions We Treat in Mumbai

    Consult some of the top physiotherapy treatment doctors in Mumbai to avail top-notch physiotherapy for a variety of conditions including:

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    Frozen shoulder therapy needs to address shoulder pain as well as movement issues. Pain medicine can help reduce pain in short term but the pain will come back. Physiotherapy helps with pain relief and more importantly helps get movement back in your shoulder, making it the best therapy for frozen shoulder. It also aids the recovery in a timely manner.

    Choosing a good physiotherapist is essential to ensuring that you receive high-quality care and can make progress toward your goals. By looking for a physiotherapist in Mumbai with the right education, experience, patient reviews, professionalism, location and availability, you can be confident that you are in good hands.

     There are no standard fees for physiotherapy for frozen shoulder in Mumbai because every patient has distinct needs based on the severity and stage of frozen shoulder they have. After an initial assessment, a physiotherapist will usually advise you on the expected timeline for treatment which will help understand the overall cost of treatment.

    If you are in Mumbai and looking for frozen shoulder treatment, please contact ReLiva for more specific details and packages. You can call us at +91 99209 91584 and we will be happy to connect you with a physiotherapist close to you.

    Most frozen shoulders get better on their own within 18 to 24 months (restricted movement may however become permanent). Targeted physiotherapy for frozen shoulder in Mumbai, based on the stage and symptoms, can really help speed up the recovery. One can attain pain relief as well as regain full range of motion at the shoulder and arm in a much shorter time.

    Adhesive capsulitis (AC), also known as frozen shoulder, is a condition associated with shoulder pain and stiffness. It is also known as shoulder contracture. NHS, UK observes, you will typically experience shoulder pain which can become more severe over a few months. This is usually followed by increasing stiffness eventually making it difficult to even raise the arm.

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