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    Back Pain Treatment in Bangalore: A Guide to Relief and Recovery

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    Back pain treatment in Bangalore is easy to get at ReLiva Physiotherapy clinics. However, having a basic understanding of the various types of back pain and treatment options can be beneficial when determining your treatment needs and booking an appointment. Here’s a guide to help you understand this. Start feeling better quickly by visiting our experts at ReLiva Physiotherapy in Bangalore.

    Prevalence of Back Pain: A Bangalore Perspective

    Back pain is a very common problem that affects millions of people across the globe. It is not just the elderly that suffer from back pain; most people in the age group of 25-70 years suffer from back pain.

    The prevalence of back pain in Bangalore is almost similar to that of US, Turkey and Russia. For example, in US there are around 19% percent of men and women who sustain spinal cord injuries or fractures that requires hospitalization for treatment or surgery on an average per person per year (1,2). Similarly, one out every 4 Japanese adults over 40 years suffer from low back problems as shown by multiple studies carried out within Japan reported by (2).

    Understanding Back Pain in Bangalore

    You need not be overly worried as evidences suggest that more than 50% of the people will develop only one type of back pain during their lifetime. However, since back pain is a common condition across all age groups in India, it’s important to understand exactly what causes this problem.

    Causes of Back Pain

    In Bangalore, the common causes of back pain include:

    • Poor posture: Sitting for long periods at a desk or using a computer can cause individuals to slouch, leading to back pain. This is touted as the number 1 cause of back pain in Bangalore, given the large population of IT workers and back offices. [ Related Reading: Click to read What’s causing your back pain? Is it poor posture]
    • Physical strain: For other professionals, heavy manual labor, such as lifting and carrying heavy objects, may be causing strain on the back muscles and thus leading to pain.
    • Lack of exercise: A sedentary lifestyle with little physical activity can weaken the back muscles, leading to pain and stiffness. Urban lifestyle with long working and traveling hours could therefore be contributing to increasing back pain in Bangalore. [Related Reading: Click to read about Obesity and Back Pain]
    • Stress: Stress is known to cause muscles in the back to tense and lead to pain.
    • Poor sleep: Sleeping on an uncomfortable mattress or pillow can cause stress on the back, leading to pain.
    • Age-related changes: As individuals age, the spinal discs can degenerate and cause back pain.
    • Accidents or injuries: Falls, car accidents, or other injuries can cause strain or damage to the back and lead to pain.

    These are some of the common causes of back pain and may be the cause for your back pain too. But it’s essential to note that the underlying cause of back pain can vary from person to person. And a professional medical evaluation is necessary to diagnose and treat back pain effectively.

    Need Back Pain Assessment in Bangalore?

    Symptoms of Back Pain

    Once again, the symptoms of back pain can vary. But our physiotherapist in Bangalore observe the following symptoms as most common:

    • Aching or sharp pain in the lower, mid, or upper back
    • Stiffness or limited range of motion
    • Muscle spasms or cramping
    • Tingling or numbness in the legs or arms
    • Weakness or instability in the legs

    Unfortunately, some people experience symptoms of back pain for years before being diagnosed with a disease. This can be very painful and make you feel that there isn’t much you can do about it with treatments other than medication. Surprisingly, physiotherapy offers effective techniques to get rid of back pain which are much cheaper than getting a surgery or buying expensive pills.

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    Options for Back Pain Treatment in Bangalore:

    Your way beyond back pain doctors

    While in Bangalore, you can consider the following treatment options for back pain:

    – Pain medication

    Over-the-counter pain relievers or prescription medications can help to reduce pain and inflammation for a short period of time.

    Back pain physiotherapy

    – Physiotherapy

    Physical therapy or physiotherapy can help to reduce pain, improve mobility, and strengthen the back muscles. At Reliva, physiotherapists not only focus on pain relief but also guide patients to correct their posture, gait and lifestyle empowering them to prevent recurrence of back pain in future.

    – Acupuncture

    Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese therapy that involves inserting fine needles into specific points on the body to reduce pain and promote healing. A relatively new technique called “Dry needling” or “Needle therapy” has also emerged as a pain relief option. This is a modern scientifically researched method vs the traditional acupuncture. It may be a safer option to see a physiotherapist, trained in needle therapy for your pain relief.

    therapy for women's health

    – Massage

    Massage can help to relax muscle tension and improve circulation making one feel better. It is interesting to note that physiotherapists use a technique called “Manual therapy”which is often mistaken for massage. For physical therapists, manual therapy has a different goal — to reduce pain and improve physical function. Ask your physio about Manual Therapy when you see them for your back pain assessment.

    – Injections

    Steroid injections or nerve blocks can help to reduce pain and inflammation. The pain relief will last for a while and chances are that the pain will come back as the effect wears off.

    – Surgery

    In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to treat a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or other underlying conditions causing back pain.

    Related: Fix back pain without surgery

    It is important to note that the most effective back pain treatment will vary depending on the individual and the underlying cause of the pain. A medical evaluation by a back pain doctor or back pain specialist in physiotherapy can help to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for an individual’s specific needs.

    Choosing the Right Treatment for Your Back Pain

    Prenatal physiotherapy

    Choosing the right back pain treatment can be a challenge, but here are some steps to help:

    • Assessment by a medical professional: A medical professional can diagnose the underlying cause of your back pain and recommend the most appropriate treatment options.
    • Consider your symptoms and preferences: Think about the severity and location of your pain, your lifestyle, and any personal preferences you have when considering treatment options.
    • Balancing benefits and risks: Discuss your treatment options with your doctor, including the benefits and risks of each option, to make an informed decision.
    • Seek a second opinion: If you are unsure about your treatment options, consider seeking a second opinion from another medical professional or a back pain specialist.
    • Consider the overall approach: Look for a treatment that addresses not only your pain but also the underlying cause of the pain, promoting long-term relief.

    Remember, it is essential to work with a medical professional to determine the best treatment options for your specific case of back pain.

    The body is very complex and very mysterious. But it does have a way of communicating, especially to your physiotherapist who is well-trained to read these signs and to understand how the body functions as a whole.  Physiotherapists don’t prescribe drugs, or do surgery.  They do not attempt to “fix” or “cure” a disease. They work with your muscles and ligaments to retrain them to move freely in the most natural way to free any limits to your health.

    Patients are recommending ReLiva Physiotherapy as the best option for back pain treatment in Bangalore for several reasons.

    • Experienced and knowledgeable therapists: The physiotherapists at Reliva Physiotherapy are trained to provide evidence-based treatment for back pain. ReLiva Physiotherapy utilises advanced physio techniques, avoiding the risks and side effects associated with surgery and other invasive procedures.
    • Personalized and non-invasive treatment: Reliva Physiotherapy offers a personalized approach to back pain treatment and emphasizes non-invasive techniques to avoid the risks and side effects associated with surgery.
    • Convenient location and flexible scheduling: With 8+ clinics in Bangalore, convenient location and flexible scheduling options with ReLiva, patients can easily attend appointments and stay on track with their treatment plan.
    • Patient-centered focus: Reliva Physiotherapy is committed to patient satisfaction and strives to help patients achieve their goals through effective and individualized treatment.
    • State-of-the-art equipment: Reliva Physiotherapy uses state-of-the-art equipment to enhance the effectiveness of treatment and improve patient outcomes.
    • Reputation and positive reviews: Reliva Physiotherapy has a strong reputation and positive reviews from patients, making it a trusted and reliable option for those seeking back pain treatment in Bangalore.

    At ReLiva, we do a lot of back pain treatment. Our spine experts understand the needs and challenges associated with spine and surrounding structures to relieve back pain. So come see us at any of the ReLiva Physiotherapy Clinic in Bangalore to get started back on your return path to good health.

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