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    Bursitis Treatment with the Physiotherapy Specialist

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    Picture this: It is a typical evening in Bengaluru, and Rohini, a 35-year-old marketing executive, finds herself wincing as she tries to lift her hand bag. The dull ache in her shoulder has become a constant companion, hindering her daily activities, and dampening her spirits. Little did she know, her journey towards relief would lead her to discover the transformative power of physiotherapy in navigating bursitis.

    Bursitis is a silent adversary that affects individuals across diverse demographics. Whether you are an avid athlete or someone navigating the rigors of everyday life, bursitis can strike unexpectedly. It can cause inflammation in the fluid-filled sacs (bursae) that cushion the joints. Common trouble spots include the shoulders, elbows, hips, and knees. It is here, that the repetitive movements or sudden trauma can trigger discomfort and limited mobility.

    Understanding Bursitis:

    Bursitis does not discriminate—it can affect anyone, regardless of age or occupation. However, it often tends to target those who engage in repetitive activities or put excessive strain on their joints. According to recent statistics from the Indian Journal of Orthopaedics, bursitis is prevalent in approximately 0.4% of the Indian population, with a higher incidence among individuals aged 40 and above.

    When it comes to the locations of bursitis, the shoulders top the list, followed closely by the elbows, hips, and knees.Types of Bursitis

    Most common types of Bursitis, therefore include the following, based on the location of affected bursae:

    • Bursitis hip, also called trochanteric bursitis and ischial bursitis causing hip pain
    • Bursitis shoulder, also called subacromial bursitis causing shoulder pain
    • Knee bursitis, also called goosefoot bursitis or Pes Anserine bursitis
    • Elbow bursitis, also called olecranon bursitis causing elbow pain
    • Kneecap bursitis, also called prepatellar bursitis causing swollen and painful knees
    • Heel bursitis as retrocalcaneal bursitis, Anterior Achilles tendon bursitis (Albert’s disease) and Posterior Achilles tendon bursitis (Haglund’s deformity) causing heel pain

    Whether you are a cricket enthusiast like Souvick, on the move person like Rohini or a homemaker like Asha, the impact of bursitis can be debilitating, disrupting your ability to perform even the simplest tasks.


    What is the best way to treat bursitis?

    If resting the affected joint has not helped then physiotherapy would be the best path to recovery.

    The Power of Physiotherapy in Bursitis Treatment:

    In the quest for relief, many individuals turn to medications, hoping for a quick fix. However, the true key to long-term recovery lies in physiotherapy. It is holistic approach that addresses the underlying causes of bursitis while promoting overall well-being. Unlike medications that merely mask the symptoms, physiotherapy offers a multifaceted solution that encompasses exercises, manual therapy, and lifestyle modifications.

    Physiotherapy not only alleviates pain but also enhances strength, flexibility, and joint function, empowering individuals to reclaim their lives with renewed vigor. Through personalized treatment plans, physiotherapy specialists tailor interventions to suit the unique needs of everyone, ensuring optimal outcomes and sustained progress.

    physiotherapy for shoulder

    Physiotherapy for Bursitis Treatment, A Case in Point:

    In the bustling streets of Mumbai, Souvick Bannerjee’s daily life was overshadowed by a debilitating neck sprain. Nights became restless as sleep eluded him, and simple tasks became Herculean challenges as pain radiated through his right hand and shoulders. Seeking relief, Souvick embarked on a journey to ReLiva Physiotherapy at Nirali Hospital, where he met Dr. Prisha Doshi (PT).

    Through a tailored regimen of physiotherapy treatments, Dr. Doshi guided Souvick step by step, starting with machine relaxation to ease his tense muscles. Ice packs provided soothing relief, paving the way for cupping sessions that alleviated discomfort and restored mobility. Gradually, under attentive guidance, Souvick embarked on a series of exercises designed to strengthen his shoulders and improve flexibility.

    In just 14 days of physiotherapy treatment, Souvick experienced a remarkable transformation. “My pain is almost gone,” he exclaims, “and the strength of my shoulder is improving quite fast through additional exercises and theraband exercises.” Souvick’s testimonial serves as a testament to the power of physiotherapy in overcoming pain and reclaiming vitality. Souvick’s testimony speaks volumes: “Anyone with neck and shoulder pain should visit this scientific lab and ask for Dr. Prisha Doshi’s treatment.” His gratitude for her expertise and support is evident, echoing the sentiments of many who have found solace and healing at Reliva Physiotherapy & Rehab. Read more ReLiva Physiotherapy Patient Reviews.

    If you have been struggling with joint pain of any kind, take the first step towards healing by scheduling a consultation with Reliva Physiotherapy & Rehab today. Let the team of experts guide you on your journey towards holistic wellness, empowering you to rediscover the joy of pain-free living.

    Here is a step-by-step Guide to Physiotherapy Treatment for Bursitis:

    1. Assessment: The first step in physiotherapy treatment for bursitis involves a comprehensive assessment of the affected joint. This may include evaluating range of motion, strength, and any specific movements that exacerbate symptoms.
    2. Pain Management: Physiotherapists utilize various techniques to manage pain associated with bursitis. This may include ice or heat therapy, electrical stimulation, or ultrasound to reduce inflammation and alleviate discomfort.
    3. Manual Therapy: Hands-on techniques such as massage, joint mobilization, and soft tissue manipulation are employed to improve joint mobility, reduce muscle tension, and promote healing of the affected bursa.
    4. Exercise Prescription: Customized exercise programs are designed to address muscle imbalances, improve strength and flexibility, and enhance overall joint function. These may include stretching, strengthening, and proprioceptive exercises tailored to the individual’s needs and goals.
    5. Education and Lifestyle Modification: Physiotherapists provide valuable education on proper body mechanics, ergonomic principles, and lifestyle modifications to prevent recurrence of bursitis and promote long-term wellness.


    Bursitis Treatment FAQS

    A. What are the best physiotherapy exercises for bursitis?

    Physiotherapy exercises for bursitis typically include gentle stretching, strengthening, and range-of-motion exercises tailored to the affected joint. These may include shoulder pendulum exercises, elbow flexion and extension exercises, hip abduction exercises, and knee range-of-motion exercises.

    B. How long does it take to recover from bursitis with physiotherapy?

    The recovery time for bursitis with physiotherapy varies depending on a few factors. These include the severity of the condition, individual factors, and adherence to the treatment plan. In general, significant improvement can be expected within a few weeks to a few months with consistent physiotherapy sessions and home exercises.

    C. Can physiotherapy prevent bursitis?

    While physiotherapy cannot guarantee prevention of bursitis, it can help reduce the risk. The physio focuses on strengthening muscles around the joints, improving flexibility, and promoting proper body mechanics. Physiotherapists can also provide guidance on injury prevention strategies tailored to an individual’s lifestyle and activities.

    D. Is physiotherapy painful for bursitis patients?

    Physiotherapy for bursitis aims to alleviate pain and discomfort, not exacerbate it. While some manual therapy techniques may cause temporary discomfort, physiotherapists work closely with patients to ensure their comfort and adjust treatment as needed.

    E. What are the alternative treatments to physiotherapy for bursitis?

    Alternative treatments for bursitis may include medications. Medicines such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticosteroid injections, and in severe cases, surgery. However, physiotherapy is often preferred as a conservative approach with fewer side effects and long-term benefits.

    F. Are there any specific physiotherapy exercises to avoid with bursitis?

    Certain high-impact or strenuous exercises may exacerbate bursitis symptoms and should be avoided initially. It is essential to consult with a physiotherapist to develop a safe and effective exercise program tailored to your specific condition and goals.


    Reliva Physiotherapy & Rehab: Your Partner in Healing

    With a dedicated team of experts and state-of-the-art facilities, Reliva Physiotherapy & Rehab stands at the forefront of physiotherapy excellence, offering comprehensive care that transcends mere treatment. By combining advanced techniques with compassionate care, Reliva assists men and women in the diagnosis and effective treatment of various types of bursitis.

    Whether you are seeking relief from shoulder impingement or battling hip bursitis, Reliva provides a supportive environment where healing thrives. Through a 4 step standardized ReLiva process using blend of hands-on therapy, targeted exercises, and patient education, they empower individuals to take charge of their health and embrace a future free from pain.

    Are you ready to embark on your journey towards a brighter, pain-free future?

    Take the first step towards healing by scheduling a consultation with Reliva Physiotherapy & Rehab today. Let the team of experts guide you on your journey towards holistic wellness, empowering you to rediscover the joy of pain-free living.

    Click here to Call now and the team will help you schedule a convenient appointment near you.


    Scientific References:

    MASSIVE PRE-PATELLAR BURSITIS – A CASE REPORT; Ramesh Krishna K, Aradhana Rathod, Preetham N;  Volume : 1, Issue : 2, Year : 2015

    Bursitis; Christopher H. Williams; Zohaib Jamal; Britni T. Sternard. ;  July 24, 2023.

    Book an appointment for Peripheral Bursitis treatment today!