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    Therapy for Children on Autism Spectrum: Path to Hope & Health

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    In a bustling neighborhood of Pune, little Aarav* was a bundle of energy, always curious about the world around him. His parents, Priya and Raj, cherished every moment with their vibrant two-year-old. However, as time passed, they began to notice that Aarav struggled with certain social interactions and communication. Concerned, they sought professional guidance and discovered that their precious son was on the autism spectrum.

    For many parents like Priya and Raj in India, the journey of raising a child with autism can be both challenging and rewarding. With an estimated 1 in 59 children affected by autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in India, according to a study by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), families often find themselves navigating a maze of therapies and treatments to support their child’s development.

    Early Signs of Autism

    While every child is unique, recognizing these signs early, can pave the way for timely intervention and support. Here are some key indicators to watch for:

    1. Communication Challenges: Children with autism may exhibit delays or difficulties in speech and language development, such as limited or repetitive language and struggles with social communication.
    2. Social Interaction Difficulties: Difficulty in social interaction is common, with children often having trouble making eye contact, engaging in reciprocal play, and understanding social cues.
    3. Repetitive Behaviors and Interests: Repetitive behaviors, interests, and routines are prevalent, including repetitive movements, insistence on sameness, and intense interests in specific topics or objects.
    4. Sensory Sensitivities: Many children with autism have sensory sensitivities, affecting their responses to sensory stimuli like light, sound, touch, taste, and smell.

    Recognizing these signs early empowers parents and caregivers to seek evaluation and intervention promptly, ensuring children receive the support they need to thrive.

    Innovative Therapies for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

    When it comes to therapy for children on the autism spectrum, the options can seem overwhelming. While behavioral approaches are commonly used, a combination of physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy offer promising avenues for holistic rehab for children. These therapeutic approaches focus on enhancing physical abilities, sensory processing, and motor skills, essential for children with autism to thrive in their environment.

    Role of Physiotherapy in Autism Care

    Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in addressing motor challenges and promoting physical well-being in children with autism. Through tailored exercises and activities, physiotherapists help improve muscle tone, balance, coordination, and gross motor skills. This not only enhances mobility but also fosters independence and confidence in daily activities.

    Role of Occupational Therapy for Autism Care

    Occupational therapy, on the other hand, targets the development of fine motor skills, sensory integration, and self-care abilities. Occupational therapists work with children to enhance their independence and participation in meaningful activities, in school, home, and community settings.

    Role of Speech Therapy in Autism Care

    Speech therapy plays a crucial role in supporting communication and language development in children with autism. Speech therapists employ various techniques to improve articulation, vocabulary, and social communication skills, empowering children to express themselves and connect with others.

    Holistic Rehab for Children with ASD Disorder

    In their quest for effective therapy and support for Aarav, Priya and Raj discovered ReLiva’s Pediatric Rehabilitation, a leading provider of pediatric therapy services in India. With a team of experienced therapists specializing in pediatric care, Reliva offers comprehensive support for children. From personalized therapy plans to ongoing guidance for parents, they strive to create a nurturing environment where every child can reach their full potential.

    Imagine the joy on Aarav’s face as he takes his first steps with confidence, or the pride in Priya and Raj’s hearts as they witness their son practicing new skills with each therapy session. With the right support and resources, children with autism can flourish, defying expectations and embracing their unique strengths.

    If you are ready to embark on this journey of hope and healing with Reliva, ask for call back or call +919920991584 to schedule a consultation. Let’s take the first step together towards a brighter future for your child.

    Therapy for Autism in Children: FAQs


    As parents embark on the journey of therapy for their child with autism, it is natural to have questions and uncertainties. Here are some frequently asked questions to provide clarity and guidance:


    1.     What are the best therapies for autism? How do I know which therapy is right for my child?

    It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate therapy for your child. Consult a pediatric expert at ReLiva and they will guide you to the right therapist for your child, based on their individual needs and goals.

    If your child experiences difficulties with movement, coordination, or sensory processing, physiotherapy may be beneficial. Occupational therapy is recommended for children who struggle with fine motor skills, sensory sensitivities, or activities of daily living. Very often these activities may be overlapping.

    Some of these challenging activities may include:

    • Difficulty with bright lights
    • Be uncoordinated and appear clumsy
    • Poor balance and keep bumping into things often
    • Repetitive movements, such as flapping their hands, flicking their fingers or rocking their body
    • A low pain threshold
    • Clothing feels too scratchy or itchy
    • Experience food textures that make them gag


    2. What does a typical ASD therapy session involve?

    Therapy sessions are tailored to meet the individual needs and goals of each child. They may include a combination of exercises, activities, and play-based interventions.

    • Physiotherapy sessions may involve stretching exercises, balance activities, and gross motor skill development.
    • Occupational therapy sessions may include activities to improve hand-eye coordination, sensory regulation, and self-help skills.
    • Speech therapy sessions include creative and enjoyable activities to engage children and help build communication and social skills in different settings like home, school, and work.

    3. How often should my child attend therapy sessions?

    The frequency of therapy sessions varies depending on the child’s specific needs, severity of symptoms, and therapy goals. Your child’s therapist can provide guidance on scheduling.


    4. Can therapy for autism be done at home?

    Yes, Therapists also provide home visits at select locations. Parents can also incorporate therapy principles and techniques into daily routines at home to reinforce learning and skill development. Therapists often provide home exercises and strategies for parents to implement between therapy sessions.


    5. How long is therapy for autism? How long does it take to see progress from therapy?

    Progress varies from child to child and depends on factors such as the child’s age, severity of symptoms, consistency of therapy, and parental involvement. While some children may show improvements within a few weeks, others may require several months or even years to achieve significant progress.


    6. Are there any alternative therapies that can complement traditional therapies for autism?

    Some parents explore complementary and alternative therapies such as music therapy, art therapy, and sensory integration therapy to enhance the effectiveness of traditional therapies. It is essential to discuss any alternative therapies with your child’s healthcare team to ensure they are safe and evidence-based.


    7. How can I support my child’s progress outside of therapy sessions?

    • Encourage and praise your child’s efforts and achievements.
    • Create a supportive and structured environment at home.
    • Collaborate with your child’s therapists to implement therapy strategies and techniques at home.
    • Stay informed about autism and therapy options through education and resources.


    The testimony of Mrs Rakhi for ReLiva’s pediatric therapy stands in point.After so many sessions now, today I see a major change in my son – whether it is writing, listening or sitting at one place. The 2 major improvements are confidence and the way he reacts to a certain situation.” She adds, The best part of Reliva, my son wants to come back the next day, he eagerly waits for his next session with the doctor here. The Pleasantness and sweetness with which a treatment is done, We love coming here!”

    Navigating therapy for a child with autism can be a journey filled with hope, challenges, and growth. By seeking support, staying informed, and advocating for your child’s needs, you can provide them with the best possible opportunities to thrive and succeed.


    *If you have additional questions or concerns about therapy for your child with autism, don’t hesitate to reach out to a qualified therapist or healthcare provider for guidance and support.*

    Reliva has a specialized team of pediatric therapists in Chennai, Bangalore, Guntur and Pune Pediatric Therapy Centre, helping children attain their full potential and thrive in the world.

    If you’re ready to take the first step on this journey of hope and healing with ReLiva, schedule a consultation today!

    Together, we can unlock the boundless potential within each child, guiding them towards a future filled with possibilities.

    *Names changed to protect privacy.

    Scholarly References:

    [1] Prevalence of autism spectrum disorders among children (1-10 years of age) – Findings of a mid-term report from Northwest India, SK Raina, V Kashyap, AK Bhardwaj, D Kumar, and V Chander; 2015 Oct-Dec; 61(4): 243–246. doi: 10.4103/0022-3859.166512

    [2] Autism spectrum disorder among kids, Written by Adil Akhzer; Chandigarh | April 26, 2018; The Indian Express

    Related Reading:

    1. Developmental Milestones
    2. 7 Ways to Keep Your Kids Active: Physical Activity for Children

    Book an appointment for Autism therapy today!